iPads May Save University Park up to $8,200 a Year

A few months ago, University Park bought themselves a few iPads for councilmen and city employees to use during council sessions and meetings. Admittedly, I was a bit skeptical of the cost savings, but the city ran the numbers, and it actually works.

In next week’s paper I’ll rundown all of the environmental cost-saving measures the city is taking, but for now, here are the iPad numbers, courtesy of city secretary Liz Spector.

Paperless Agenda Savings 2012[1]

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One thought on “iPads May Save University Park up to $8,200 a Year

  • March 6, 2012 at 12:18 am

    Wait a minute…the numbers work? 23 cents per page? Here’s an idea. Email the agendas to Kinkos and have them print them for about 7 cents per page (or less with a corporate contract). That’s saving $5,000 right there, plus the $3300 in foregone iPads.

    Plus, all that time to “compile” agendas–wouldn’t that occur whether they are printed or not? If not, if that means things like collating them, then Kinkos (or Office Depot or wherever) will do that too, saving additional money.

    If it really does cost 23 cents to print a single page, then buying 6 iPads is not a solution. There are much bigger money problems with those numbers.


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